Labels:book | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: 22 resultant large judgment rather than the paragraph kowtow to Setf version of the one satistac tion rule Hernandez at 591 McDermott obtained no spe- cial favors from the sling defendants the settlement The jury was advised of the fact of the settlement, Rot anount S0 that neither the sling defendants absence indivi idual parties nor the potential interest 10 bias of anv witness affiliated with the settling defendants would be subject of speculation and no party would be prejudiced Indeed Heereh Alberts, twenty year employee rope, testified and as Veder, the cable-laid hook one slings of defendants the Trial settling expert Transcript sling VoIs. rigging. defendants, wire -2 November 1990 Doc. Nos. 346 -347. R.O.A. Vols 30 -31 On the contrary, in the present case, the mechanism pue impact ...